Course Outline
Quantum Information Theory
- The uncertainty theory
- Superposition and entanglement
- Subatomic particles
Overview of Classic Computers
- Bits
- Binary systems
- Transistors
Quantum Computing
- Topological codes
- Circuit QED
- Quibits
Understanding Quantum Computers and NISQ Processors
- Algorithms for the NISQ Architecture
Overview of Cirq Framework
Overview of Quantum Development Kits
Setting Up the Quantum Development Environment
Cirq Data Structures and Syntax
Preparing the Quantum Machine Simulator
Case Study: Low Depth Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Chemistry Problems
Writing a Quantum Algorithm
Controlling Quantum Circuits
Specifying Gate Behavior and Placement
Scheduling the Timing of Gates
Compiling the Algorithm
Dealing with the Constraints of Quantum Hardware
Running the Algorithm on a Local Simulator
Testing and Debugging an Algorithm
Integration with Cloud Simulators
Integration with Future Quantum Hardware
The Future of Quantum Computing
Summary and Conclusion
- An understanding of software and hardware computing concepts.
- An understanding of complex numbers and linear algebra.
- Developers
- Scientists
- Engineers